Abnormalities in pepper (Capsicum annuurn) flowers induced by gibberellic acidV. K. SAWHNEY Del~clrr~rie~rr oJ'Biology , U~riuersity of S r r~k r r~c l~r i v n~~, S(rskoroo~~, Snsk., C[i~rtrtlrc S7N OW0 Received April 25, 1980 SAWHNEY, V. K. 1981. Abnormalities in pepper (Cupsicir/?l ~I I I I I I I I~?~) flowers induced by gibberellic acid. Can. J . Bot. 59:8-16. Young pepper plants treated with gibberellic acid (GA,) before the initiation of floral organs produced abnormalities in Rowers subsequently formed. The development of petals and stamens was affected by GA,, but sepals and the gynoeciunl were insensitive to the treatment. The effect on petals was on the unrolling of organs but stamen development was affected more dramatically. GA, caused abnormalities in pollen development and induced the carpelization of stamens. The expression of feminization of stamens ranged from the production of a few external ovules to a complete transformation of a stamen to a cal-pel with ovary, style, and stigma. In some instances, the growth of stamens was also inhibited. GA, also induced supernumerary organs in flowers; all of which were "carpel-like." These and other observations are discussed in relation to the hormonal status and the genetic make-up of plants. SAWHNEY, V. K. 1981. Abnormalities in pepper ( C N~S~C I O ? I f r t~t~~/ i / t ?~) flowers induced by gibberellic acid. Can. J . Bot. 59: 8-16. Les jeunes plantes de piment (Ctrpsiclcl?~ irtit~irio?~ L.) traitees a l'acide gibberellique (GA,) avant I'ebauche des organes floraux presentent des anormalites dans les fleurs qui se forment plus tard. L e developpement des petales et des etamines est affecte par le GA,, mais les sepales et le gynecee sont insensibles au traitement. L'effet chez les petales a trait a leur deroulement, mais le developpement des etamines est affecte plus fortement. Le GA, provoque des anormalites dans les developpement du pollen et induit la "carpellisation" des etamines. L'expression de ce dernier effet va de la production de quelques ovules externes jusqu'i la transformation complete d'une etamine en un carpelle comprenant ovaire, style et stigmate. Dans certains cas, la croissance des etamines est egalement inhibee. Le GA, provoque aussi, dans la fleur, la production d'organes surnumeraires ayant tous I'allure de carpelles. Ces observations et d'autres donnees sont discutees en rapport avec l'etat hormonal et la constitution genetique des plantes.[Traduit par le journal]