We describe the results of an industrial-academic collaboration among the Graduate Program in Electrical Engineering (PPGEE), the Electronics and Information Research Centre (CETELI), and Samsung Eletrônica da Amazônia Ltda. (Samsung), which aims at training human resources for Samsung's research and development (R&D) areas. Inspired by co-operative education systems, this collaboration offers an academic experience by means of a complementary training programme (CTP), in order to train undergraduates and graduate students in electrical and computer engineering, with especial emphasis on digital television (TV), industrial automation, and mobile devices technologies. In particular, this cooperation has provided scholarships for students and financial support for professors and coordinators in addition to the construction of a new building with new laboratories, classrooms, and staff rooms, to assist all research and development activities. Additionally, the cooperation outcomes led to applications developed for Samsung's mobile devices, digital TV, and production processes, an increase of 37% in CETELI's scientific production (i.e., conference and journal papers) as well as professional training for undergraduates and graduate students.