We study a mixed heat and Schrödinger Ginzburg-Landau evolution equation on a bounded two-dimensional domain with an electric current applied on the boundary and a pinning potential term. This is meant to model a superconductor subjected to an applied electric current and electromagnetic field and containing impurities. Such a current is expected to set the vortices in motion, while the pinning term drives them toward minima of the pinning potential and "pins" them there. We derive the limiting dynamics of a finite number of vortices in the limit of a large Ginzburg-Landau parameter, or ε → 0, when the intensity of the electric current and applied magnetic field on the boundary scale like |log ε|. We show that the limiting velocity of the vortices is the sum of a Lorentz force, due to the current, and a pinning force. We state an analogous result for a model Ginzburg-Landau equation without magnetic field but with forcing terms. Our proof provides a unified approach to various proofs of dynamics of Ginzburg-Landau vortices.Here Ω is the bounded two-dimensional domain representing the region occupied by the superconducting sample. The unknown functions are the triple (u, A, Φ), where u : Ω → C is the "order parameter," A : Ω → R 2 is a vector potential of the magnetic field, itself given by h := curl A, and Φ : Ω → R is the scalar potential associated to the electric field, itself given by E := −(∂ t A + ∇Φ). This is a gauge theory, i.e. (u, A, Φ) are only known up to gauge-transformations of the form uFor a vector X ∈ R 2 we write X ⊥ = (−X 2 , X 1 ), and for the perpendicular gradient we write ∇ ⊥ h = (∇h) ⊥ . Also, (·, ·) denotes the scalar product in C defined by (a, b) = R(a)R(b) + I(a)I(b), and (a, X) for a ∈ C and X ∈ C 2 stands for the vector in R 2 with components (a, X 1 ) and (a, X 2 ).The function b(x) is interpreted as a pinning potential. We assume that b :Ω → R is a smooth function satisfying( 1.2)The situation without pinning corresponds to the case b ≡ 1. Let us explain the meaning of the various parameters in the equation. We assume α > 0, σ > 0, and β ∈ R. When β = 0 and b ≡ 1, these equations are the Gorkov-Eliashberg system (see [GE]), which are the standard gauge-invariant heat flow version of the Ginzburg-Landau equation. The case α = 0, β > 0 would correspond to a pure gauge-invariant Schrödinger flow. Here, for the sake of generality, we consider α > 0 and β real, which corresponds to a mixed flow or "complex Ginzburg-Landau," also commonly considered in the modeling of superconductivity [Do, KIK].The parameter ε > 0 is a small parameter, equal to the inverse of κ, the "Ginzburg-Landau parameter" in superconductivity, which is a material constant defined as the ratio between two characteristic length scales. We will be interested in the asymptotic limit ε → 0, corresponding to "extreme type-II superconductors." The parameter σ is called the conductivity. Note that the parameters α, β, σ as well as the function b(x) are assumed to be independent of ε.The boundary conditions are what make th...