The emphasis for informing policy makers on future sea-level rise has been on projections by the end of the 21 st century. However, due to the long lifetime of atmospheric CO2, the thermal inertia of the climate system and the slow equilibration of the ice sheets, global sea level will continue to rise on a multi-millennial timescale even when anthropogenic CO2 emissions cease completely during the coming decades to centuries. Here we present global sea-level change projections 25 due to melting of land ice combined with steric sea effects during the next 10,000 years calculated in a fully interactive way with the Earth System Model of Intermediate Complexity LOVECLIMv1.3. The climate forcing is based on the Extended Concentration Pathways defined until 2300 AD with no carbon dioxide emissions thereafter and the inclusion of a methaneemission feedback for the highest forcing scenario, equivalent to a cumulative CO2 release of around 460 to 5800 GtC. After 10,000 years, the sea-level change rate drops below 0.05 m per century and a semi-equilibrated state is reached. The Greenland 30 ice sheet is found to nearly disappear for all forcing scenarios. The Antarctic ice sheet contributes only about 1.6 m to sea level for the lowest forcing scenario with a limited retreat of the grounding line in West Antarctica. For the higher forcing scenarios, the marine basins of the East Antarctic ice sheet also become ice free, resulting in a sea-level rise of up to 27 m. The global mean sea-level change after 10,000 years ranges from 9.2 m to more than 37 m. The projections of multi-millennial semiequilibrated sea-level rise for a given CO2 forcing are shown to be in good agreement with geological archives. 35 45 from 10,000 years for accumulation rate changes to up to 100,000 years for temperature changes for the Antarctic ice sheet (Alley and Whillans, 1984).On a multi-millennial timescale, changes in land ice volume (mass contribution) together with ocean density changes from thermal expansion (thermosteric contribution) and haline contraction (halosteric contribution) are the main components contributing to global sea-level change (Miller et al., 2005). The mass contribution comes from melting or growing of the 50 Antarctic ice sheet, the Greenland ice sheet and glaciers and ice caps. The steric contribution is the expansion of ocean water when it gets warmer and less saline or conversely, the contraction when water is cooling and gets more salty (Feistel, 2010).The magnitude of thermal expansion depends on the climatic temperature forcing and on the rate of oceanic heat uptake.Because of the large mass and slow turnover time of the deep ocean, the oceanic heat content (and hence thermal expansion) will continue to rise in the ocean for centuries to millennia, even when surface warming has halted. Haline contraction -or 55 expansion of ocean water due to freshening -is a smaller, though not negligible component of steric sea-level rise. Physicallybased models have been used to study the different components contributing to g...