Gold-based bulk metallic glass alloys based on Au-Cu-Si are introduced. The alloys exhibit a gold content comparable to 18-karat gold. They show very low liquidus temperature, large supercooled liquid region, and good processibility. The maximum casting thickness exceeds 5 mm in the best glassformer. Au 49 Ag 5.5 Pd 2.3 Cu 26.9 Si 16.3 has a liquidus temperature of 644 K, a glass transition temperature of 401 K, and a supercooled liquid region of 58 K. The Vickers hardness of the alloys in this system is ϳ350 Hv, twice that of conventional 18-karat crystalline gold alloys. This combination of properties makes the alloys attractive for many applications including electronic, medical, dental, surface coating, and jewelry. Gold became known to mankind thousands years ago, and has been of inestimable value to civilization ever since. It is the noblest of the noble metals, and has a good combination of high thermal conductivity, high electrical conductivity, and high corrosion resistance. These properties have resulted in extensive use of gold and its alloys in electronic, aerospace, astronomy, medical, and industrial applications. For instance, gold can be found in many of today's sophisticated electronic devices. However, gold has always been most valued as a jewelry material. Gold alloys are easy to fashion, are nonallergenic, have a bright pleasing color, and remain tarnish free indefinitely. Pure gold and higher karat gold alloys, however, are rather soft and therefore vulnerable to wear and scratching. This results in diminished aesthetic appearance, and is a drawback of conventional crystalline gold alloys.In the last two decades, several alloys based on Pd, 1-3 La, 4 Zr, 5,6 Fe, 7-9 and Pt 10 were found to form bulk amorphous phases. Fully amorphous samples are obtained when the alloys are cast into copper molds of diameter up to centimeters which indicates critical cooling rates for glass formation of 100 K / s or less. These bulk metallic glasses ͑BMGs͒ exhibit properties such as high strength, large elastic strain limit, high hardness, and, in some cases, substantial ductility. 11 The compositions of these BMGs are typically close to a deep eutectic composition. Consequently, their melting temperatures are much lower than estimated from interpolation of the alloy constituents' melting temperatures. The resulting low liquidus temperature is an attractive property for casting alloys. The extraordinary stability of BMG forming alloys against crystallization also results in a large supercooled liquid region, ⌬T, ͑⌬T = T x -T g , T x : crystallization temperature, T g : glass transition temperature͒, the temperature region in which the amorphous phase first relaxes into a highly viscous liquid before eventually crystallizing.In this temperature region, BMG's are amenable to superplastic processing using netshape processing methods similar to those employed for thermoplastics. 12 The binary gold silicon eutectic composition was the first alloy found to exhibit metallic glass formation by Duwez and co-workers in ...