A new method to detect the glass transition was used to investigate the effects of physical aging on the glass transition of polystyrene by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. The results showed that the onset point of the glass transition shifted to higher temperature with aging, but the end point didn't change. It was demonstrated that this method was of great use in determining the glass transition temperature of aged polymeric samples. For each aged sample, the four bands assigned to the vibrational modes of the main chain groups and the side groups of polystyrene showed the same transition regions, indicating that the main chain and the side groups were aging synchronously. The rates of increase of the relative peak areas for the four investigated bands during the glass transition decreased with aging with the increased rates of the relative peak areas for the two bands assigned to side group decreasing less than those of main chain, which seemed to indicate the dominance of the side group in aging process.