We study dynamical aspects of three-dimensional gonihedric spins by using Monte-Carlo methods. The interest of this family of models (parametrized by one self-avoidance parameter κ) lies in their capability to show remarkably slow dynamics and seemingly glassy behaviour below a certain temperature T g without the need of introducing disorder of any kind. We consider first a hamiltonian that takes into account only a four-spin term (κ = 0), where a first order phase transition is well established. By studying the relaxation properties at low temperatures we confirm that the model exhibits two distinct regimes. For T g < T < T c , with long lived metastability and a supercooled phase, the approach to equilibrium is well described by a stretched exponential. For T < T g the dynamics appears to be logarithmic. We provide an accurate determination of T g . We also determine the evolution of particularly long lived configurations. Next, we consider the case κ = 1, where the plaquette term is absent and the gonihedric action consists in a ferromagnetic Ising with fine-tuned next-to-nearest neighbour interactions. This model exhibits a second order phase transition. The consideration of the relaxation time for configurations in the cold phase reveals the presence of slow dynamics and glassy behaviour for any T < T c . Type II aging features are exhibited by this model.