We examine the effect of small amounts of magnetic substituents in the A sites of the frustrated spinels MgCr2O4 and ZnCr2O4. Specifically we look for the effects of spin and lattice disorder on structural changes accompanying magnetic ordering in these compounds. Substitution of Co 2+ on the non-magnetic Zn 2+ site in Zn1−xCoxCr2O4 where 0 < x ≤ 0.2 completely suppresses the spin-Jahn-Teller distortion of ZnCr2O4 although these systems remain frustrated, and magnetic ordering occurs at very low temperatures of T < 20 K. On the other hand, the substitution of Jahn-Teller active Cu 2+ for Mg 2+ and Zn 2+ in Mg1−xCuxCr2O4 and Zn1−xCuxCr2O4 where 0 < x ≤ 0.2 induce Jahn-Teller ordering at temperatures well above the Néel temperatures of these solid solutions, and yet spin interactions remain frustrated with long-range magnetic ordering occurring below 20 K without any further lattice distortion. The Jahn-Teller distorted solid solutions Mg1−xCuxCr2O4 and Zn1−xCuxCr2O4 adopt the orthorhombic F ddd structure of ferrimagnetic CuCr2O4. Total neutron scattering studies of Zn1−xCuxCr2O4 suggest that there are local AO4 distortions in these Cu 2+ -containing solid solutions at room temperature and that these distortions become cooperative when average structure distortions occur. Magnetism evolves from compensated antiferromagnetism in MgCr2O4 and ZnCr2O4 to uncompensated antiferromagnetism with substitution of magnetic cations on the non-magnetic cation sites of these frustrated compounds. The sharp heat capacity anomalies associated with the first-order spin-Jahn-Teller transitions of MgCr2O4 and ZnCr2O4 become broad in Mg1−xCuxCr2O4, Zn1−xCoxCr2O4, and Zn1−xCuxCr2O4 when x > 0. We present a temperature-composition phase diagram summarizing the structural ground states and magnetic properties of the studied spinel solid solutions.PACS numbers: 61.50. Ks, 75.50.Ee, 75.47.Lx Triangular lattice topologies are at the center of complex ground states in functional oxides as has been shown in the charge ordered triangular metallic AgNiO 2 where charge ordering rather than a Jahn-Teller distortion lifts orbital degeneracy 1 and in geometrically frustrated spin systems such as ZnCr 2 O 4 where magnetic ordering is accompanied by a lattice distortion. 2 The ground states of the canonical spin frustrated systems ACr 2 O 4 (A = Mg, 3-6 Zn, 2,6-8 Cd, 5,9,10 and Hg 11 ) have been extensively explored. To understand the degenerate ground states of ACr 2 O 4 spinels, the effect of spin disorder on the magnetic properties of these systems has been investigated; spin disorder is introduced by substituting magnetic ions on the non-magnetic A sublattice of these materials. [12][13][14] Similarly, the effect of low concentrations of magnetic vacancies on the Cr sublattice of ZnCr 2(1−x) Ga 2x O 4 has been studied showing that the freezing temperature of these systems for small x is independent of the spin vacancy concentration. 15 However, the effect of spin and lattice disorder on the structural ground states of the canonical frustrated ...