Brief communications 259 false-positive sera were mixed (1: 1) with 2-Me, none of them gave a positive result in AGID (HSE). These results indicate that most of false-positive results in the AGID (HSE) are attributable to IgM, which because of its larger size and molecular weight as compared with IgG would take more time to develop precipitation lines than would true positive sera. Such reactions may be avoided by a 2-Me treatment that destroys the IgM pentamer. 7 The AGID (HSE) should be avoided as a sole test because many of the positive precipitation reactions cannot be confirmed by other procedures such as blood cultures. Also, serum of infected dogs can yield equivocal results, 6 especially during the early or the late stages of infection, indicating lack of test specificity.This report is the first documentation of B. canis antibodies detected in Spain by use of RSAT (M-) and AGID (CPAg).
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Early degenerative changes associated with spontaneous glaucoma in dogsStephanie L. Smedes, Richard R. DubielzigGlaucoma is classified as primary or secondary, acute or chronic, and open angle or closed angle. In humans, the histopathologic changes associated with acute glaucoma have been well described. Abnormalities include dilation with subsequent stasis of conjunctival and episcleral vessels, stromal and epithelial edema, pseudouveitis, ischemic iris necrosis with or without accompanying dyscoria, subcapsular lenticular opacification, and vitreal degeneration with or without detachment. Additional changes include papilledema followed by cavernous optic atrophy within 4-7 days. Large cystic or cavernous spaces develop within the substance of the prelaminar optic nerve head. Superficial retinal hemorrhages, retinal vessel occlusions, and retinal nerve fiber and ganglion cell layer degeneration is seen. The outer neuronal layers remain unchanged.