Samples of fine‐grained (approximately 9 µm) and coarse‐grained (approximately 45 µm) hematite ores with almost random crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO) were deformed in high pressure, high temperature (400 MPa, 850–1 000 °C) torsion experiments up to shear strains of 4.7. Samples with large initial grain size, preferably deformed by dislocation creep attended by dynamic recrystallization, showed grain size reduction and a weak CPO (J ∼ 1.4 at 950 °C). In contrast, fine‐grained ores, deformed mainly by grain boundary sliding accompanied by dislocation activity with slip on the dominant basal glide system, showed grain growth and a strong CPO (J ∼ 2.9). At high strain both ores attained similar strength and grain size, but different CPOs. The experiments demonstrate that the texture intensity of highly deformed rocks strongly depends on initial microstructure and may not reflect unambiguously the prevailing deformation mechanism and strength as often assumed in field studies.