Abstract. We prove a Liouville-type theorem for semilinear parabolic systems of the formin the whole space R N × R. Very recently, Quittner [Math. Ann., DOI 10.1007/s00208-015-1219-7 (2015)] has established an optimal result for m = 2 in dimension N ≤ 2, and partial results in higher dimensions in the range p < N/(N − 2). By nontrivial modifications of the techniques of Gidas and Spruck and of Bidaut-Véron, we partially improve the results of Quittner in dimensions N ≥ 3. In particular, our results solve the important case of the parabolic Gross-Pitaevskii system -i.e. the cubic case r = 1 -in space dimension N = 3, for any symmetric (m, m)-matrix (β ij ) with nonnegative entries, positive on the diagonal. By moving plane and monotonicity arguments, that we actually develop for more general cooperative systems, we then deduce a Liouvilletype theorem in the half-space R N + × R. As applications, we give results on universal singularity estimates, universal bounds for global solutions, and blow-up rate estimates for the corresponding initial value problem.