Aim: Study aims to examine regional patterns of crime against children (CAC) in India. Methods: The National Crimes Records Bureau (NCRB) data on CAC was compiled for national, state and metro cities level. Using annual average incidence and crime rates, the regional patterns of CAC were presented. Results: During 2001-2018, the rate of CAC in India has increased from 0.2 to 3. Kidnaping (44 per cent), child sexual abuse (28 per cent) and other Indian Penal Code (IPC) crimes constitute a large share in aggregate crimes against children at national level. Uttar Pradesh had highest (16283) incidence of crimes against children. Conclusion: There is increase in crimes against children in India particularly in the northern and central India. Distribution patterns under different crime heads resembled national and metropolitan levels. Incidence of murders, child sexual abuse, other IPC crimes and rapes dominated the ranking of CAC at national and metropolitan level.