In the framework of the canonical seesaw model, we present a simple but viable scenario to explicitly break an S 3L ×S 3R flavor symmetry in the leptonic sector. It turns out that the leptonic flavor mixing matrix is completely determined by the mass ratios of the charged leptons (i.e., m e /m µ and m µ /m τ ) and those of light neutrinos (i.e., m 1 /m 2 and m 2 /m 3 ). The latest global-fit results of the three neutrino mixing angles {θ 12 ,θ 13 ,θ 23 } and two neutrino mass-squared differences {∆m 2 21 ,∆m 2 31 } at the 3σ level are used to constrain the parameter space of {m 1 /m 2 ,m 2 /m 3 }. The predictions for the mass spectrum and flavor mixing are highlighted: (1) the neutrino mass spectrum shows a hierarchical pattern and a normal ordering, e.g., m 1 ≈2.2 meV, m 2 ≈8.8 meV and m 3 ≈52.7 meV; (2) only the first octant of θ 23 is allowed, namely, 41.8 • θ 23 43.3 • ; (3) the Dirac CP -violating phase δ ≈ −22 • deviates significantly from the maximal value −90 • . All these predictions are ready to be tested in ongoing and forthcoming neutrino oscillation experiments. Moreover, we demonstrate that the cosmological matter-antimatter asymmetry can be explained via resonant leptogenesis, including the individual lepton-flavor effects. In our scenario, leptonic CP violation at low-and high-energy scales is closely connected.