This work presents the main aspects of the anisotropic gravity-vector gauge coupling at all energy scales ı.e., from the IR to the UV point. This study is carry out starting from the 4+1 dimensional Hořava-Lifshitz theory, at the kinetic conformal point.The Kaluza-Klein technology is employed as a unifying mechanism to couple both interactions. Furthermore, by assuming the so-called cylindrical condition, the dimensional reduction to 3+1 dimensions leads to a theory whose underlying group of symmetries corresponds to the diffeomorphisms preserving the foliation of the manifold and a U(1) gauge symmetry. The counting of the degrees of freedom shows that the theory propagates the same spectrum of Einstein-Maxwell theory. The speed of propagation of tensorial and gauge modes is the same, in agreement with recent observations. This point is thoroughly studied taking into account all the z = 1, 2, 3, 4 terms that contribute to the action. In contrast with the 3+1 dimensional formulation, here the Weyl tensor contributes in a non-trivial way to the potential of the theory. Its complete contribution to the 3+1 theory is explicitly obtained. Additionally, it is shown that the constraints and equations determining the full set of Lagrange multipliers are elliptic partial differential equations of eighth-order. To check and assure the consistency and positivity of the reduced Hamiltonian some restrictions are imposed on the coupling constants. The propagator of the gravitational and gauge sectors are obtained showing that there are not ghost fields, what is more they exhibit the z = 4 scaling for all physical modes at the high energy level. By evaluating the superficial degree of divergence and considering the structure of the second class constraints, it is shown that the theory is power-counting renormalizable.