We consider in this article the damped wave equation, in the scale-invariant case with combined two nonlinearities, which reads as follows:(E)with small initial data. Compared to our previous work [8], we show in this article that the first hypothesis on the damping coefficient µ, namely µ < N (q−1)
2, can be removed, and the second one can be extended from (0, µ * /2) to (0, µ * ) where µ * > 0 is solution of (q − 1) ((N + µ * − 1)p − 2) = 4. Indeed, owing to a better understanding of the influence of the damping term in the global dynamics of the solution, we think that this new interval for µ characterizes better the threshold between the blow-up and the global existence regions. Moreover, taking advantage of the techniques employed in the problem (E), we also improve the result in [17,23] in relationship with the Glassey conjecture for the solution of (E) without the nonlinear term |u| q . More precisely, we extend the blow-up region from p ∈ (1, p G (N + σ)], where σ is given by (1.7) below, to p ∈ (1, p G (N + µ)] giving thus a better estimate of the lifespan in this case.