Consider the quasilinear diffusion problem] m and any T ∈]0, ∞[, where Σu ∈ R q for 0 < q ≤ m × n represents fractional or nonlocal derivatives with order σ with σ < 2s for all 0 < s ≤ 1, including the classical gradient and derivatives of order greater than 1. We show global existence results for various quasilinear diffusion systems in non-divergence form, for different linear operators A, including local elliptic systems, anisotropic fractional equations and systems, and anisotropic nonlocal operators, of the following type (Au) i = − α,β,j ∂α(A αβ ij ∂ β u j ), Au = −D s (A(x)D s u), and (Au) i = ˆRn Aij(x, y) u j (x) − u j (y) |x − y| n+2s dy, for coercive, invertible matrices Π and suitable vectorial functions f .