We report the current status of our calculated spectroscopic relational databases. They contain line lists for specific molecules, that result from recently published spectroscopic analyses. The two original databases, denoted MeCaSDa (CH 4) and ECaSDa (C 2 H 4), have been greatly improved with the addition of new calculated lines. Then, five new databases, TFMeCaSDa (CF 4), SHeCaSDa (SF 6), GeCaSDa (GeH 4), RuCaSDa (RuO 4) and TFSiCasDa (SiF 4) were deployed based upon the same model. These databases are developed in the framework of the international consortium VAMDC (Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Centre, http://vamdc.org) and are also part of the Dat@OSU project (http://dataosu.obs-besancon.fr).