With the publication of our first issue, we are pleased to formally introduce the Journal of Trial and Error (JOTE). Our goal in this editorial article is to (i) outline the problem JOTE aims to solve, (ii) detail our solution, and (iii) state our goals as a journal. As readers will see, we communicate knowledge rather differently from other platforms. The members of JOTE are unambiguously and unabashedly aware of this departure from the status quo, which we regard as a necessary one in the current academic context. In other respects, however, our mission keeps with an ethos of openness and transparency that has fueled scientific collaboration for centuries. In this regard, our aims are not so different from those formulated in the first issue of Nature, still regarded one of the most prestigious scientific outlets: to aid Scientific Men themselves by giving early information of all advances made in any branch of natural knowledge throughout the world and by affording them an opportunity of discussing the various scientific questions which arise from time to time. [italics added] (Nature, 1869, pp. 440) Therefore, for those readers who are skeptical of our project from the outset, we ask that you think of us not (only) as scientific rabble-rousers, but as devotees of science: science as it is practiced; that is to say, all science.
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