Lightning properties of a total of 1174 negative downward lightning flashes are analyzed. The high-speed video recordings are taken in different regions around the world, including Austria, Brazil, South Africa and USA, and are analyzed in terms of flash multiplicity, duration, interstroke intervals and ground strike point (GSP) properties. Although the results vary among the data sets, the analysis reveals that a third of the flashes are single-stroke events, while the overall mean number of strokes per flash equals 3.67. From the video imagery an average of 1.56 GSPs per flash is derived, with about 60% of the multiple stroke flashes striking ground in more than one place. It follows that the channel creating a GSP is re-used by a factor of 2.3. Multiple-stroke flashes last on average 371 ms, whereas the geometric mean (GM) interstroke interval value preceding strokes producing a new GSP is about 18% greater than the GM value preceding subsequent strokes following a pre-existing channel. In addition, a positive correlation between the duration and multiplicity of the flash is presented. The characteristics of the subset of flashes exhibiting multiple GSPs is further examined. It follows that strokes with stroke order of two create a new GSP in 60% of the cases, while this percentage quickly drops for higher order strokes.Further, the possibility to form a new channel to ground in terms of the number of strokes that conditioned the previous channel shows that approximately 88% developed after the occurrence of only one stroke. Investigating the time intervals in the other 12% of the cases when two or more strokes re-used the previous channel showed that the average interstroke time interval preceding a new channel is found to be more than twice the time difference between strokes that follow the previous channel.