net greenhouse gas impact of nitrogen has been quantified globally (Butterbach-Bahl et al., 2011;Erisman et al., 2011), but information on its spatial variation is lacking.
Objectives and outline of this thesisThis thesis aims to provide information on policy-relevant nitrogen indicators that capture trade-offs between nitrogen's adverse impacts and benefits, to support policies on sustainable nitrogen management in Europe and globally. This objective is divided into three subobjectives:Objective 1: To estimate spatially explicit critical agricultural nitrogen losses, surpluses and inputs related to targets for air and water quality, and aggregate spatially explicit thresholds to derive safe nitrogen boundaries at the regional, continental, and global level. (Chapters 2 and 4)Objective 2: To assess to what degree redistributing nitrogen inputs and increasing nitrogen use efficiency can contribute to meeting food demand while remaining within safe boundaries for nitrogen losses to air and water. (Chapters 3 and 4)