“…The AMV imprint on global and Northern Hemisphere mean surface temperature has also been identified in many studies with different statistical analysis methods applied to both observations and modeling results (Barcikowska et al, ; Chen et al, ; Chen & Tung, ; Cheung et al, ; Chylek, Klett, et al, ; Chylek et al, ; DelSole et al, ; Kravtsov et al, ; Kravtsov & Spannagle, ; Steinman et al, ; Stolpe et al, ; Tung & Zhou, ; Z. Wu, Huang, et al, ; Wyatt et al, ; Zhou & Tung, ). These statistical studies are consistent with the above‐mentioned AGCM/hybrid CGCM experiments (Semenov et al, ; Zhang et al, ), illustrating that the enhanced surface heat flux released from the ocean to the atmosphere during a positive AMV and AMOC phase leads to the hemispheric‐scale anomalous surface warming and vice versa.…”