Motivation: Network alignment (NA) can be pairwise (PNA) and multiple (MNA). PNA produces aligned node pairs between two networks. MNA produces aligned node clusters between more than two networks. Recently, the focus has shi ed from PNA to MNA, because MNA captures conserved regions between more networks than PNA (and MNA is thus considered to be more insightful), though at higher computational complexity. e issue is that, due to the different outputs of PNA and MNA, a PNA method is only compared to other PNA methods, and an MNA method is only compared to other MNA methods. Comparison of PNA against MNA must be done to evaluate whether MNA's higher complexity is justified by its higher accuracy. Results: We introduce a framework that allows for this. We compare PNA against MNA in both a pairwise (native to PNA) and multiple (native to MNA) manner. Shockingly, we find that PNA is more accurate and faster than MNA in both cases. is result might guide future research efforts in the NA field. Contact: * To whom correspondence should be addressed aligned networks. Since maximizing edge conservation is NP-hard (Kuchaiev and Pržulj, 2011), heuristic methods are needed for NA.Like genomic sequence alignment, NA can be local or global (Meng et al., 2016b;Guzzi and Milenković, 2017). Initial research was on local NA, which typically finds highly conserved but consequently small regions between compared networks. More recent efforts have focused on global NA, which typically finds large but consequently suboptimally conserved network regions. Each of local NA and global NA has its (dis)advantages (Meng et al., 2016b,a;Guzzi and Milenković, 2017). In this paper, we focus on global NA, and henceforth, we refer to global NA as NA.Also, and importantly for our study, NA methods can be pairwise or multiple (Faisal et al., 2015b;Guzzi and Milenković, 2017). While pairwise NA (PNA) aligns two networks at once, multiple NA (MNA) can align more than two networks at once. Since MNA can capture conserved network regions between multiple networks, it is hypothesized that MNA may lead to deeper biological insights compared to PNA. On the other hand, MNA is computationally harder than PNA since the complexity of the NA problem typically increases exponentially with the number of considered networks. However, this hypothesis has not been tested yet (for reasons described below). Because of this, and because both PNA and MNA have the same ultimate goal, which is to transfer knowledge from well-to poorly-studied species, we argue that they need to be compared in order to determine which category of methods produce superior alignments.Since typical PNA and MNA methods produce alignments of different types (Fig. 1), it has been difficult to compare them. Namely, when aligning two networks, PNA typically produces a one-to-one node mapping between the two networks, which results in aligned node pairs. When aligning more than two networks, MNA produces a node mapping across the multiple networks, which results in aligned node cl...