A detailed analysis of the metastable states of two interacting monomer units, supplied with energy by an external energy pumping system, assigned here as Fro hlich states, is presented, which includes the analysis of the criteria of the system stability as well. The basic starting point of this analysis is the hamiltonian of the microscopic RDF model, which o †ers a uniÐed theory of the well known Davydov and Fro hlich models of energy transport in proteins. Our results show that Fro hlichÏs metastable states could not be considered as a many body e †ect, because every pair of interacting complex monomer units, in which vibronic excitations could be excited, will prefer states with higher ordering of the dipole momenta, corresponding to lower system energy. This is a consequence of the softening of the dipole oscillation modes, caused by the monomer deformation, which is connected with the vibrations of the monomer constituents.