non-transparent dependencies between inputs and outputs (Cliff & Treleaven, 2010). This raises many challenges such as ensuring data quality issues, managing provenance information needed for transparency as well as organizing metadata when combining data from multiple sources (Rabhi et al., 2020). Thus, a responsible and more trustworthy AI is demanded (HLEG-AI, 2019;Thiebes et al., 2021;Schneider et al., 2022).This is where research on Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) comes in. Also referred to as "interpretable" or "understandable AI", XAI aims to "produce explainable models, while maintaining a high level of learning performance (prediction accuracy); and enable human users to understand, appropriately, trust, and effectively manage the emerging generation of artificially intelligent partners" (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), 2017). XAI hence refers to "the movement, initiatives, and efforts made in response to AI transparency and trust concerns, more than to a formal technical concept" (Adadi & Berrada, 2018, p. 52,140). XAI is designed in a user-centric fashion so that users are empowered to scrutinize AI (Förster et al., 2020). Overall, XAI objectives are to evaluate, to improve, to learn from, and to justify AI, in order to eventually be able to manage AI (Meske et al., 2022). The need for greater explainability has been recognized in both academic and industry settings as for example tech giants such as Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Amazon and IBM create partnerships with academics and practitioners on platforms such as Partnership on AI (https:// www. partn ershi ponai. org/) to foster public discussions and to improve people's understanding of AI and its consequences (Abedin, 2022).
The special issueWith a focus on the transformation of electronic markets, in this special issue, we explore and extend research on how to establish explainability and responsibility in intelligent black box systems-machine learning-based or not. The submitted This article is part of the Topical Collection on Explainable and responsible artificial intelligence.