For the degenerate viscous and heat conductive compressible fluids, the momentum equations and the energy equation are degenerate both in the time evolution and spatial dissipation structures when vacuum appears, and then the physical entropy S behaves singularly, which make it challenging to study the corresponding well-posedness of regular solutions with high order regularities of S near the vacuum. In this paper, when the coefficients of viscosities and heat conductivity depend on the absolute temperature θ in a power law (θ ν with ν > 0) of Chapman-Enskog, by some elaborate analysis of the intrinsic degeneratesingular structures of the full compressible Navier-Stokes equations (CNS), we identify a class of initial data admitting a local-in-time regular solution with far field vacuum to the Cauchy problem of the three-dimensional (3-D) CNS in terms of the mass density ρ, velocity u and S. Furthermore, it is shown that within its life span of such a regular solution, u stays in an inhomogeneous Sobolev space, i.e., u ∈ H 3 (R 3 ), S has uniformly finite lower and upper bounds in R 3 , and the laws of conservation of total mass, momentum and total energy are all satisfied.The key idea for proving the existence is to introduce an enlarged system by considering some new variables, which includes a singular parabolic system for u, and one degenerate-singular parabolic equation for S. It is worth pointing out that this reformulation can transfer part of the degeneracies of the full CNS to some singular source terms, and then one can carry out a series of singular or degenerate weighted energy estimates carefully designed for this reformulated system, which provides successfully an effective propagation mechanism for S ′ s high order regularities along with the time.