Abstract. The reduction of fine particles (PM2.5) and reactive
N (Nr) and S (Sr) species is a key objective for air pollution
control policies because of their major adverse effects on human health,
ecosystem diversity, and climate. The sensitivity of global and regional
Nr, Sr, and PM2.5 to 20 % and 40 % individual and
collective reductions in anthropogenic emissions of NH3, NOx, and
SOx (with respect to a 2015 baseline) is investigated using the EMEP
MSC-W (European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme Meteorological
Synthesizing Centre – West) atmospheric chemistry transport model with WRF (Weather Research and Forecasting) meteorology. Regional
comparisons reveal that the individual emissions reduction has multiple
co-benefits and small disbenefits on different species, and those effects
are highly geographically variable. A 40 % NH3 emission reduction
decreases regional average NH3 concentrations by 47 %–49 % but only
decreases NH4+ by 18 % in Euro_Medi, 15 % in
East Asia, 12 % in North America, and 4 % in South Asia. This order
follows the regional ammonia richness. A disbenefit is the increased
SO2 concentrations in these regions (10 %–16 % for 40 % reductions)
because reduced NH3 levels decrease SO2 deposition through
altering atmospheric acidity. A 40 % NOx emission reduction reduces
NOx concentrations in East Asia by 45 %, Euro_Medi and
North America by ∼ 38 %, and South Asia by 22 %, whilst
the regional order is reversed for fine NO3-, which is related to
enhanced O3 levels in East Asia (and also, but by less, in
Euro_Medi) and decreased O3 levels in South Asia (and
also, but by less, in North America). Consequently, the oxidation of
NOx to NO3- and of SO2 to SO42- is enhanced in
East Asia but decreased in South Asia, which causes a less effective
decrease in NO3- and even an increase in SO42- in East
Asia but quite the opposite in South Asia. For regional policy making, it
is thus vital to reduce three precursors together to minimize such adverse
effects. A 40 % SOx emission reduction is slightly more effective in
reducing SO2 (42 %–45 %) than SO42- (34 %–38 %), whilst the
disbenefit is that it yields a ∼ 12 % increase in total NH3
deposition in the four regions, which further threatens ecosystem
diversity. This work also highlights important messages for policy makers
concerning the mitigation of PM2.5. More emissions controls focusing on
NH3 and NOx are necessary for regions with better air quality, such
as northern Europe and eastern North America. In East Asia, the three
individual reductions are equally effective, whilst in South Asia only
SOx reduction is currently effective. The geographically varying
non-one-to-one proportionality of chemical responses of Nr, Sr,
and PM2.5 to emissions reductions revealed by this work show the
importance of both prioritizing emissions strategies in different regions
and combining several precursor reductions together to maximize the policy