This paper aims to explore the potentials of introducing game-based learning in English for Professional Purposes course at the tertiary level of education. It considers the possibilities of integrating an online business game in a taskbased experiential syllabus using simulation as its core technique. Simulations are seen as a viable, dynamic, communicative and learner-centered approach that enables creating the learning experience that resembles real-world professional experiences. By integrating language, content and skill development in meaningful and purposeful tasks that replicate workplace target tasks, simulations create an immersive and stimulating environment that fulfills the needs for competence, connectedness and autonomy, thus increasing learners' motivation."People learn a second language more successfully when they use the language as a means of acquiring information, rather than as an end in itself… …People learn a second language most successfully when the information they are acquiring is perceived as interesting, useful, and leading to a desired goal" (Richards and Rodgers, 2001: 207; 209).