My favorite opening to a math talk is from a 2014 lecture of Etienne Ghys. Part of a minicourse for young researchers in geometric group theory, he begins the lecture with "My second favorite group [dramatic pause...] is the group of all diffeomorphisms of a compact manifold." Beyond the obvious question what is your first favorite, then? (for this, one should see the rest of the lecture series), this line has another hook that I like even better. Ghys' statement is a bit like answering the question "what is your favorite food" with "my favorite food is dessert!" That's a great response, I couldn't agree more, but didn't you just cheat there by naming an infinite class of things in place of a single thing? For it has been known since the 1980s that varying the manifold and even varying what you mean by diffeomorphism (smooth, 1 , 2 ,...) produces an infinite