We investigate the boundedness and asymptotic behavior of a first-order neutral delay dynamic equation on arbitrary time scales, extending some results from difference equations.Copyright © 2006 Douglas R. Anderson. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Neutral delay dynamic equationWe consider, on arbitrary time scales, the neutral delay dynamic equationwhere T is a time scale unbounded above, the variable delays k, :The coefficient functions p, q : T → R are right-dense continuous with p bounded and q ≥ 0. To clarify some notation, take −1 (t) := sup{s : (s) ≤ t}, −(n+1) (t) = −1 ( −n (t)) for t ∈ [ (t 0 ),∞) T , and n+1 (t) = ( n (t)) for t ∈ [ −3 (t 0 ),∞) T . For p and k above, let Ω be the linear set of all functions given bysolutions of (1.1) will belong to Ω. In the aftermath of Hilger's breakthrough paper [4], a rapidly diversifying body of literature has sought to unify, extend, and generalize ideas from discrete calculus, continuous calculus, and quantum calculus to arbitrary time-scale calculus, where a time scale is merely a nonempty closed set of real numbers. This paper illustrates this new understanding by extending some discrete results from difference equations to dynamic equations on time scales. In particular, (1.1) is studied in [6] with T = Z and p ≡ 0, and in [5] in the case when T = Z with variable p. Much of the organization of and motivation for this paper arise from [5,6]. For more on delay dynamic equations, see, forHindawi Publishing Corporation