The boundary-layer stability on a section of a rotating wind turbine blade with an FFA-W3 series aerofoil at a chord Reynolds number of
$3 \times 10^5$
, with varying rotation and radii, is studied with direct numerical simulations and linear stability analyses. Low rotation does not significantly affect transition in the outboard blade region. The relative insensitivity to rotation is due to a laminar separation bubble near the leading edge, spanwise-deformed by a primary self-excited instability, promoting the secondary absolute instability of the Kelvin–Helmholtz (KH) vortices and rapid transition. Moderate increases in rotation, or moving inboard, stabilise the flow by accelerating the attached boundary layer and possibly inducing competition between cross-flow and KH modes. This delays separation and transition. Initially, for high rotation rates or radial locations close to the hub, transition is delayed. Nevertheless, strong stationary and travelling cross-flow modes are eventually triggered, spanwise modulating the KH rolls and shifting the transition line close to the leading edge. Cross-flow velocities as high as
of the free stream velocity directed towards the blade tip are reached at the transition location. For radial locations farther from the hub, the effective angle of attack is decreased, and cross-flow transition occurs at lower rotation rates. The advance or delay of the transition line compared with a non-rotating configuration depends on the competing rotation effects of stabilising the attached boundary layer and triggering cross-flow modes in the separation flow region.