This paper is concerned with the existence and nonlinear stability of traveling wave solutions to a chemotaxis model with logarithmic sensitivity and nonlinear production 
& u_t- (uv)_x=D\, u_{xx}, \\
& v_t+ \left( \varepsilon v^2-u^2 \right)_x=\varepsilon\, v_{xx},
for $x\in \mathbb{R}$, $t\geqslant 0$, $D>0$, $\varepsilon>0$, 
and the initial data
&(u_{-},v_{-}), & x\to -\infty , \\
&(u_{+},v_{+}), & x\to +\infty.
Based on the phase plane analysis method, we establish the existence of traveling fronts to the system ($\star$). The asymptotic nonlinear stability of traveling wave solutions to the system ($\star$) is identified for $u_{+}>0$ and $u_{+}=0$ by weighted energy estimate methods, respectively. Compared with the previous results, our results do not require any smallness assumption on the wave strengths.