The paper investigates extended applications of the developed spatial grasp model and technology for analyzing large distributed systems and environments, as well as some examples of solving typical problems in them in the Spatial Grasp Language (SGL). The Spatial Grasp (SG) paradigm allows solving complex problems in a holistic and fully distributed way. It develops in distributed spaces as active ubiquitous waves or even viruses and grasps solutions to spatial problems in parallel pattern-matching mode, fundamentally differing from traditional representations of systems and their solutions as parts that exchange messages. The resultant Spatial Grasp Technology details are briefed where its SGL interpreters can be networked as powerful spatial computers covering any terrestrial and celestial environments and solving problems without any centralized resources. The extended areas for new SG applications include basic environmental issues, global systems, discovering new worlds, Earth science, and planetary exploration activities at NASA. The paper contains descriptions of solutions in SGL to practical problems related to different worlds, including group behavior of marine animals, details of geographical terrain, management of transport networks, and investigation of information networks. The developed paradigm allows direct expression of top semantics and holistic methods for solving complex problems and dynamically composes the needed implementation environments, thus providing the strictest way from problem definition to a practical solution. The formula-like high-level solutions in SGL are extremely compact, often a hundred times shorter than in other languages, and its implementation can be accomplished on any existing platforms, as for the previous language versions in different countries.