-Consider a smooth bounded domain V R 3 with boundary @V, a time interval [0; T), 05T I, and the Navier-Stokes system in [0;Our aim is to extend the well-known class of Leray-Hopf weak solutions u satisfying u j @V 0, div u 0 to the more general class of Leray-Hopf type weak solutions u with general data u j @V g, div u k satisfying a certain energy inequality. Our method rests on a perturbation argument writing u in the form u v E with some vector field E in [0; T) Â V satisfying the (linear) Stokes system with f 0 and nonhomogeneous data. This reduces the general system to a perturbed Navier-Stokes system with homogeneous data, containing an additional perturbation term. Using arguments as for the usual Navier-Stokes system we get the existence of global weak solutions for the more general system.