We show well-posedness of the elastic flow of open curves with clamped boundary conditions. To show short time existence we prove that the linearised problem has the property of maximal L p -regularity and use the contraction principle to obtain the solution. Moreover, we show analyticity of the solution and its analytic dependency on the initial curve. With the developed methods we also prove long time existence of the flow if the initial curve is close to an elastica.1for some α > 0 and lim t→0 φ(t, ·) = φ 0 in C 2,α (I ).Furthermore the solution φ satisfies φ(t, ·)| ∂ I = ∂ x φ(t, ·)| ∂ I ≡ 0 for all t ∈ [0, T ] and depends analytically on the initial datum φ 0 .The proof of Theorem 1.2 will be given in Section 3. It consists of three steps: First we analyse the linearised equation and show that it has the property of maximal regularity, applying a general result from [7]. Afterwards, www.mn-journal.com