View related articles View Crossmark data Citing articles: 2 View citing articles He or she notes objects of 'someoccasionally of greatintrinsic value', such as wedding gifts 'which we don't in the slightest degree appreciate, and secretly yearn to be delivered from', and lists several items materially unsuitable for burning in that 'judicious' fire: Metallic rubbish, earthen ware rubbish, bone and ivory rubbish, old door handles, disabled locks, bunches of obsolete keys, superseded door knockers, ancient jam pots, broken china figures, plaster casts without noses, empty ink jars, medicine bottles half full of mixture which was to be taken three times a day and wasn't, wornout tooth brush handles, knobs that have come off everything that could have a knob, handles of everything that could have a handlehandles of parasols, of button hooks, of butter knives, of paper knives, of water jugs, of tea pots. 2