Given a subgroup H of a finite group G, we begin a systematic study of the partial representations of G that restrict to global representations of H. After adapting several results from [DEP00] (which correspond to the case H = {1 G }), we develop further an effective theory that allows explicit computations. As a case study, we apply our theory to the symmetric group Sn and its subgroup S n−1 of permutations fixing 1: this provides a natural extension of the classical representation theory of Sn. Contents 2. H-global G-partial representations 8 3. Representation theory: generalities 12 4. Representation theory: restriction, globalization and induction 20 5. The point of view of inverse semigroups 25 6. An application: S n−1 ⊂ S n 26 7. Comments and future directions 30 Appendix A. Irreducibles of semisimple algebras 30 References 31