Quantitative models of black-tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus columbianus) habitat selection do not exist for Pacific Northwest landscapes but are needed to make predictions of how deer respond to timber harvest. We developed models to estimate habitat selection by black-tailed deer within seasonal home ranges in the west-central Cascade Mountains, Washington, USA, from 2008-2019. Even with moderately high global positioning system (GPS) fix success within summer and winter (both averages ≥0.87), we were concerned about landscape or vegetation characteristics causing fix success failure that would bias estimates of habitat selection. Year of GPS-collar production, deer activity, and diel period (night, day, crepuscular) were associated with fix success. The odds of acquiring a fix were 2.53 times greater when the deer were inactive compared to active, and this difference was greater for those deer with higher average percent canopy cover within their home range.These relationships only explained a portion of the variation in the data and did not negate concerns about the effects of missing locations when estimating habitat selection, so we estimated deer habitat selection within summer and winter using an integrated step selection function (iSSF) and a probability of detection integrated step selection function (PDiSSF). The iSSF ignored missing fixes; the PDiSSF accounted