The purpose of the present paper was to determine if pharyngeal or cervical oesophageal lesions may present with distal symptoms. All patients presenting for barium swallow underwent examination of the pharynx and oesophagus. The pharyngeal examination included spot films of the pharynx as well as views of the pharyngo-oesophageal segment filmed at three frames per second. During the 18-month period of the present study interrogations were carried out to identify patients without symptoms in the cervical or suprasternal region. One hundred and twelve patients were identified; 58 were male and 54 were female. The age range was 18-84 years. Examinations revealed abnormalities within the pharynx in 42 patients (38%); of this group of 42, 34 also had an oesophageal abnormality. The majority of the pharyngeal findings were minor. There were, however, three patients who each had a pharyngeal abnormality (pharyngeal carcinoma, obstructive cricopharyngeal narrowing, pharyngo-oesophageal junction stricture) as well as an oesophageal lesion (hiatal hernia, achalasia, reflux oesophagitis), either of which may have been the source of the symptoms. The remaining eight patients (7%) of this group of 42 with detected pharyngeal abnormality had normal oesophageal examinations. Most of these were again minor changes and were unlikely to be significant. There was, however, one patient in whom the only abnormality was an infiltrative cancer of the posterior wall of the pharyngo-oesophageal junction. In conclusion, the identification of patients in the present study with pharyngeal lesions and without distal abnormal findings indicates that a proximal lesion may present with downstream symptoms. Furthermore, there were also patients in whom the examination found abnormalities in multiple segments of the pharynx and oesophagus. We suggest that examination of the pharynx is warranted as part of the barium swallow in patients without cervical or suprasternal symptoms.