“…None of these investigations showed an abnormality that could explain pulsatile tinnitus. [58] Dural arteriovenous fistula [2,13,23,24,34,38,55] Carotid cavernous fistula [42] Aneurysm of the ICA [3,12] Fibromuscular dysplasia of the ICA [ 17,56] Dissection of the ICA [33,50] Atherosclerosis [7,16,30,44] Occlusion of the contralateral CCA [35] Vascular anomalies of the ear [8,20,28,49] Vascular compression of the VIII nerve [27,37] Migraine [52] Jugular bulb anomalies [1,391 Abnormal condylar and mastoid emissary veins [19,25] Glomus tumor [26,36,48] Paget's disease [14] Cavernous haemangioma [51] Histiocytosis X [5] Intracranial hypertenison of various causes [14,31,32,45,46] Anaemia, high cardiac output [9,11] Palatal myoclonus [4,22] Abnormally paten...…”