'nda aberan internal karotis arter tanısı konulan sekiz ileri yaşlı olgu sunuldu. Üç olguda yutkunma zorluğu, iki olguda boğazda takılma hissi, bir olguda çınlamada artış ve bir olguda literatürde daha önce bildirilmeyen aspirasyon ve boğulma hissi yakınması vardı. Bir olgu ise asemptomatikti. Beş olguda aberan parafarengeal internal karotis arterin bükülmesi, bir olguda eğrilik, bir olguda hem bükülme hem de eğrilik formu gözlendi. Bir olguda ise, internal karotis arter sınıflamada tarif edilmeyen sağda 90 derece açılı, solda ise "S" şekilliydi.Anahtar Sözcükler: Aberan; olgu serisi; internal karotis arter.
ABSTRACTIn this article, we report eight elderly cases who were diagnosed with aberrant internal carotid artery at the Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery of Başkent University Ankara Hospital. Three cases had dysphagia, two cases had foreign body sensation in the throat, one case had increased tinnitus, and one case had complaints of aspiration which was not previously reported in the literature and chocking sensation. One patient was asymptomatic. Five cases had kink form of aberrant parapharyngeal internal carotid artery, one case had tortuosity and one case had both tortuosity and kink form. In one case, internal carotid artery was in form of 90 degrees angle in the right side and S-shaped in the left side, which was not described in the classification.