We report a detailed experimental study of the complex behavior of a dc low-pressure plasma discharge tube of the type commonly used in commercial illuminated signs, in a microfluidic chip recently proposed for visible analog computing, and other practical devices. Our experiments reveal a clear quasiperiodicity route to chaos, the two competing frequencies being the relaxation frequency and the plasma eigenfrequency. Based on an experimental volt-ampere characterization of the discharge, we propose a macroscopic model of the current flowing in the plasma. The model, governed by four autonomous ordinary differential equations, is used to compute stability diagrams for periodic oscillations of arbitrary period in the control parameter space of the discharge. Such diagrams show self-pulsations to emerge remarkably organized into intricate mosaics of stability phases with extended regions of multistability (overlap). Specific mosaics are predicted for the four dynamical variables of the discharge. Their experimental observation is an open challenge.A n outstanding problem is to understand and control the complex chaotic behaviors commonly observed in glow discharge plasma tubes. From an experimental point of view, the first observations of deterministic chaos 1 , mixed-mode oscillations and homoclinic chaos in discharge tubes 2 date back more than twenty years ago. Currently, much attention has been focused on the generic problem of phase synchronization using these devices. In particular, phase synchronization has been demonstrated under different conditions [3][4][5] . More recently, the transition to chaos and constructive effects of noise, such as stochastic resonance and coherence resonance, have been reported in plasma tubes [6][7][8][9] . All aforementioned works have in common the feature of using discharge tubes specifically built for research: Geissler's tubes, Plücker's tubes, and so on. Conversely, in this work, we present an application of nonlinear dynamics to study the behavior of a popular device not designed specifically for research purposes. Due to the great impact of plasma as a component in modern image viewing devices, the investigation of plasma tubes is of considerable interest. Additional applications of interest involve microfluidic chips proposed for visible analog computing 10 and the ability of glow discharges to find the shortest way through a maze 11 .Electrical discharges have been continuously the subject of innumerous works and much is known about them [12][13][14][15][16] . From a theoretical point of view, discharges have been traditionally described taking into account the complex processes involved in the plasma recombination and electric conductivity. Such descriptions require the use of coupled partial differential equations involving spatial and time variables, the transport of momentum and energy of plasma components, the continuity equation, diffusion equation, Poisson equation, etc. This means that a realistic description is generally quite involved. However, a fair descr...