Pregnancy in women with Type 1 diabetes is associated with an increased risk of complications for both the woman and her offspring. The risks can be effectively ameliorated when women are managed by experienced, multidisciplinary obstetric diabetes teams, emphasizing pre-pregnancy planning with tight glycemic control before and during pregnancy, and close monitoring during labor, delivery and postpartum. This review describes the issues particular to Type 1 diabetes pregnancy and how best to manage these pregnancies to minimize negative outcomes. There is also a brief description of recent developments in the field and current research on novel therapies.Pre-pregnancy counseling is paramount in the optimal management of pregnancy in Type 1 diabetes.Good glycemic control before and during pregnancy reduces the risk of fetal and maternal complications.Screening for retinopathy, nephropathy, vascular and/or thromboembolic risk factors with appropriate management before and during pregnancy is important.Tight glycemic control using frequent glucose monitoring, appropriate dietary modification and intensive insulin regimens, balancing the risk of hypoglycemia to the mother with fetal complications of hyperglycemia, remains the mainstay of management.Ultrasound scan evaluation is important primarily to detect structural anomalies (with detailed four-chamber cardiac views) and later to monitor the fetal growth trajectory.Closely monitored labor with neonatology input is required in 30-40% infants; therefore, delivery should be done in a center equipped with a specialist multidisciplinary team.