SummaryIn an attempt to define the basis for the microvascular changes observed in diabetic myocardium, a study was undertaken on the effect of elevated glucose on the synthesis by rat heart endothelial cells of the extracellular matrix components, types VI, IV and I collagen, as well as fibronectin. Confluent cultures of these cells, isolated by fluorescenceactivated cell sorting after treatment with rhodamine-labelled acetylated low density lipoprotein, showed a three to fivefold enhancement in the synthesis of type VI collagen after exposure for 48 h to high glucose (20 to 30 mmol/1), as determined by immunoblot analysis. Increased production of type IV collagen and fibronectin was also observed, but the change was smaller and no effect on type I collagen was found. Measurement of mRNA levels by hybridization with cDNA probes indicated that 48-h exposure to high glucose significantly increased the level of transcripts for type VI and IV collagens but not for type I collagen. While glucose consumption by endothelial cells in high glucose doubled in the initial 24-h period, utilization returned to normal by 48 h, concomitant with a reduction in GLUT1 transcript levels, suggesting that signals for stimulation of collagen synthesis must be active during the initial period of exposure to elevated glucose levels. [Diabetologia (1995) 38: 430-436] Key words Rat heart endothelial cells, type VI collagen, type IV collagen, type I collagen, fibronectin, GLUT1, high glucose.Previous studies from our laboratory have indicated that the periodic acid-Schiff (PAS)-reactive deposits which are observed in the myocardium in the alloxan diabetic rat are characterized by an accumulation of type VI collagen with little or no increase occurring in other components such as types IV and I collagen, fibronectin or laminin [1,2]. Although the cells responsible for this increased formation of type VI collagen in the heart in diabetes are not yet known, the presence of the PAS-positive deposits as well as type Received: 6 July 1994 and in revised form: 26 October 1994Corresponding author: Dr. M. L Spiro, Joslin Diabetes Center, One Joslin Place, Boston, Massachusetts, 02215, USA Abbreviations: SDS, Sodium dodecylsulphate; PBS, phosphate-buffered physiological saline; DMEM, Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium; DEPC, diethylpyrocarbonate; PAS, periodic acid-Schiff.VI immunoreactivity surrounding the capillaries of the myocardium [1] suggest that the endothelial cells of these small blood vessels may be involved, particularly since the ability of endothelial cells to produce type VI collagen has already been demonstrated using homogeneous populations of cells cultured from the kidney glomerulus [3]. We have therefore undertaken in the present study an evaluation of the effect of high glucose on the capacity of endothelial cells isolated from rat ventricles to synthesize types VI, IV and I collagen, and fibronectin, employing immunoblotting techniques, and have also analysed the level of transcripts for these collagens by hybridization wi...