One of the primary objectives of any medical imaging procedure is to provide accurate and, if possible, quantitative information to aid the diagnosis and treatment of disease. In oncology X-ray CT, Ultrasound and most recently Magnetic Resonance Imaging all provide high resolution morphological information. Conventional radioisotope imaging whilst providing unique functional information is generally limited by poor spatial resolution and sensitivity. If the development of tissue malignancy can be detected in its early stages through biochemical processes and if the effects of treatment are best seen by changes in these processes then a high resolution, quantitative, functional imaging technique is required. The only technique satisfying these criteria is Positron Emission Tomography (PET).PET is a technique for imaging non-invasively the in vivo distribution of pharmaceuticals, labelled with positron emitting radionuclides, administered to humans. PET images can provide information relating to the use of a radiopharmaceutical (RP) by the body tissues. These RP's range from agents which localise in particular organs or tissues to those which enable cellular processes to be measured, by labelling DNA/RNA for instance. Such studies can determine the rates of metabolism of glucose, oxygen and amino acids and can also provide information relating to rates of protein synthesis or cell proliferation. Importantly the sensitivity of the technique allows nmol and pmol levels of the tracer to be used minimising the chance of perturbing the system being examined. PET is therefore almost unique in determining quantitatively from images the function of body processes not available from morphological techniques.Applications of PET to oncology The majority of the current studies in PET are in neurQlogy and cardiology, as detailed in Phelps et al. (1986). However the high spatial resolution (-5 mm) and sensitivity to a range of unique physiological agents is ideally suited to applications in oncology where quantitative measurements of biochemical processes should be of great value. The availability of C", N'3, 01' and F'8 from a compact cyclotron offers the possibility of studying the basic physiology of human cancer and allows laboratory and in vitro methods to be extended to patients non-invasively. Access to F"8 allows such studies to be extended off-sfte from the cyclotron providing a means of measuring tissue glucose metabolism, perfusion, amino acid uptake, receptor ligand mechanisms and drug kinetics. Additionally longer lived nuclides (I'24, Ga66, Co55) and those produced from in-house generators (Ga68, Rb82, Cu62) provide an additional useful range of labels for physiological probes.PET studies can be divided into the general areas of tumour perfusion and metabolism, cellular proliferation, Received and accepted 5 November 1990.anti-cancer drug kinetics, receptor mechanisms and tumour targeting. In some cases the information provided by these studies is already being used directly in the clinic to provide valuable guida...