The charmonium yields are expected to be considerably suppressed if a deconfined medium is formed in high-energy heavy-ion collisions. In addition, the bottomonium states, with the possible exception of the Υ(1S) state, are also expected to be suppressed in heavy-ion collisions. However, in proton-nucleus collisions the quarkonium production cross sections, even those of the Υ(1S), are also suppressed. These "cold nuclear matter" effects need to be accounted for before signals of the high density QCD medium can be identified in the measurements made in nucleus-nucleus collisions. We identify two cold nuclear matter effects important for midrapidity quarkonium production: "nuclear absorption", typically characterized as a final-state effect on the produced quarkonium state and shadowing, the modification of the parton densities in nuclei relative to the nucleon, an initialstate effect. We characterize these effects and study the energy, rapidity, and impact-parameter dependence of initial-state shadowing in this paper.
I. BASELINE TOTAL CROSS SECTIONSTo better understand quarkonium suppression, it is necessary to have a good estimate of the expected yields. However, there are still a number of unknowns about quarkonium production in the primary nucleon-nucleon interactions. In this section, we discuss models of quarkonium production and give predictions for the yields in a number of collision systems. Since the LHC can collide either symmetric (A + A) or asymmetric (A + B) systems, we present results for p + p, p + A, d+A and A + A collisions. We consider d+A collisions since the d+A center-of-mass energy is closer to the A + A collision energy than top energy p + A collisions. The maximum ion beam energy per nucleon is the proton beam energy, E p = 7 TeV, times the charge-to-mass ratio, Z/A, of the ion beam. Thus the maximum deuteron beam energy is half that of the proton beam, E d = 3.5 TeV. The ion beam energies are given on the left-hand side of Table I for five reference nuclei: oxygen, In addition to the A + A center-of-mass energy, we also show the maximum p + A and d+A per nucleon center-ofmass energies, Table I shows the maximum nucleon-nucleon center-of-mass energy per nucleon, the rapidity difference between the two beams, y iA diff , and the center-of-mass shifts for p + A and d+A collisions. (The Z/A ratio is the same for d and O thus ∆y dO = 0.) Only √ s N N is given for symmetric A + A collisions since there is no rapidity shift. If there were no cold nuclear matter effects on the production cross sections at a given energy, the per nucleon cross sections would all be equal. However, the nuclear parton distributions (nPDFs) are known to be modified with