Refs. 1 and 2). The membrane-buried region of the Ca 2ϩ -ATPase is made up of 10 membrane spanning helices and is connected to a large cytoplasmic headpiece, which is further separated into three distinct domains, denoted A ("actuator"), P ("phosphorylation"), and N ("nucleotide binding"). Ca 2ϩ transport is achieved by means of a reaction cycle (Scheme 1) involving the formation and decay of a phosphorylated intermediate and extensive protein conformational changes between four major states, E1, E1P, E2P, and E2. The catalytic function in E1 (autokinase activity) and E2P (autophosphatase activity) as well as the movement of Ca 2ϩ ions across the membrane can be understood on the basis of the sequential gathering and displacement of certain conserved amino acid motifs of the N-and A-domains relative to the catalytic site in the P-domain and the coupling of these events to rearrangements of the transmembrane helices containing the Ca 2ϩ sites. In the E1 and E1P states, the highly conserved 181 TGES loop of the A-domain is distant from the catalytic center containing nucleotide binding residues and the phosphorylated Asp 351 of the P-domain, which in this condition is able to react with ATP/ADP. However, during the Ca 2 E1P 3 E2P transition the A domain rotates ϳ90°around an axis nearly perpendicular to the membrane, thereby moving the 181 TGES loop into close contact with the catalytic site, such that Glu 183 can catalyze dephosphorylation of E2P by hydrolysis (3-5). During the dephosphorylation, Glu 183 likely coordinates the water molecule attacking the aspartyl phosphoryl bond and withdraws a hydrogen.ATP in addition to being the substrate in the phosphorylation of the Ca 2 E1 state also functions in a non-phosphorylating mode (boxed ATP in Scheme 1), enhancing the rates of the steps involved in phosphoenzyme turnover (Ca 2 E1P 3 E2P and E2P 3 E2) as well as the E2 3 Ca 2 E1 transition of the dephosphoenzyme (6 -17). The mechanisms underlying these modulatory effects of ATP remain largely unresolved. A debated issue is whether the modulatory ATP molecule binds at the same site as the phosphorylating ATP or at a distinct, "allosteric" site (14, 18 -23). During dephosphorylation the 181 TGES loop of the A-domain occupies the position in close contact with the P-domain taken up by part of the ATP and ADP in Ca 2 E1 and Ca 2 E1P, however, ATP may still bind to residues of the N-and