A [ NiFe] hydrogenase (H 2 ase) is ap roton-coupled electron transfer enzyme that catalyses reversible H 2 oxidation; however,i ts fundamental proton transfer pathway remains unknown. Herein, we observed the protonation of Cys546-SH and Glu34-COOH near the Ni-Fes ite with high-sensitivity infrared difference spectra by utilizing Ni-C-to-Ni-L and Ni-Cto-Ni-SI a photoconversions.P rotonated Cys546-SH in the Ni-Ls tate was verified by the observed SH stretching frequency (2505 cm À1 ), whereas Cys546 was deprotonated in the Ni-C and Ni-SI a states.G lu34-COOH was double H-bonded in the Ni-L state,a sd etermined by the COOH stretching frequency (1700 cm À1 ), and single H-bonded in the Ni-C and Ni-SI a states.A dditionally,astretching mode of an ordered water molecule was observed in the Ni-L and Ni-C states.T hese results elucidate the organized proton transfer pathway during the catalytic reaction of a[ NiFe] H 2 ase,w hich is regulated by the H-bond network of Cys546, Glu34, and an ordered water molecule.Supportinginformation and the ORCID identification number(s) for the author(s) of this article can be found under: https://doi.