PURPOSE:To evaluate the effects of L-alanyl-glutamine (L-Ala-Gln) pretreatment on oxidative stress, glycemic control and inflammatory response in children submitted to palatoplasty. METHODS: Thirty male children scheduled for routine palatoplasty, age range 2-10 years, were randomly assigned to 2 groups (n=15): Group A (saline, control) and Group B (L-Ala-Gln). Group A received normal saline 100 ml, delivered intravenously by infusion pump over 3 hours preceding surgical procedure. Group B was treated with L-Ala-Gln, 20% solution (0.5g/Kg), adding saline to complete 100ml. Peripheral venous blood samples were collected at 5 different time-points: T1-at the beginning of the study, 3 h prior to the surgical procedure; T2-at the end of the infusion (before the surgical procedure), T3-at the end of the surgical procedure, T4-6 h postoperative and T5-12 h postoperative. Parameters analyzed included glutathione (GSH), thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), glucose, insulin, C-reactive protein (CRP) and interleukin-6 (IL-6).
RESULTS:No statistically significant differences were found between groups comparing glucose, insulin, TBARS, GSH and IL-6 levels. However, glucose levels increased (P <0.001) in T4 and T5 as compared to baseline (T1) in control group as opposed to L-Ala-Gln group. IL-6 increased in both groups during the postoperative period, indicating an increased inflammatory response. L-Ala-Gln pretreatment did not suppress the increase of IL-6, but reduced the increase of postoperative CRP levels (T5, p <0.01). CONCLUSION: Pretreatment with L-Ala-Gln in children submitted to palatoplasty attenuates the inflammatory response in early post-operative period and promoted a better glycemic control. Keywords: Congenital Abnormalities. Surgical Procedures, Operative. Glutamine. Cytokines. Child.
RESUMO OBJETIVO:Avaliar os efeitos do pré-tratamento com L-alanil-glutamina (L-Ala-Gln) sobre o estresse oxidativo, o controle glicêmico e a resposta inflamatória em crianças submetidas à palatoplastia. MÉTODOS: Trinta crianças do sexo masculino, agendadas para palatoplastia, faixa etária 2-10 anos, foram distribuídas aleatoriamente em dois grupos (n = 15): Grupo A (salina, controle) e Grupo B (L-Ala-Gln). O grupo A recebeu solução salina 0,9% 100 ml, administrado por via intravenosa utilizando uma bomba de infusão durante 3 horas anteriores ao procedimento cirúrgico. O grupo B foi tratado com L-Ala-Gln, solução a 20% (0,5 g/kg), acrescentando soro fisiológico até completar 100 ml. Amostras de sangue venoso periférico foram coletadas em cinco momentos diferentes: T1 (3 h antes do procedimento cirúrgico); T2 (no final da perfusão), T3 (no final do procedimento cirúrgico), no pós-operatório, após 6 h (T-4) e 12 h (T5). Os parâmetros analisados foram a glutationa (GSH), ácido tiobarbitúrico (TBARS), glicose, insulina, proteína C-reativa (PCR) e interleucina-6 (IL-6). RESULTADOS: Não houve diferença significante entre os grupos comparando as concentrações de glicose, insulina, TBARS, GSH e IL-6. No entanto, os...