Following a request from the European Commission, EFSA was asked to review the scientific comments received on the Scientific Opinion of the EFSA Panel on Nutrition, Novel Foods and Food Allergens (NDA) on the scientific substantiation of a health claim related to GlycoLite TM and helps to reduce body weight pursuant to Article 13.5 of Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006. Comments from the applicant (analyze & realize GmbH) were submitted to EFSA via the European Commission. EFSA has reviewed the comments with the contribution of the chair of the NDA Working Group on Claims, the chair of the NDA Panel and one expert member of the NDA Panel. In its opinion adopted on 15 May 2019, the EFSA Panel on (NDA) concluded that the scientific evidence is insufficient to establish a cause and effect relationship between the consumption of an aqueous extract from white kidney bean (P. vulgaris L.) standardised by its in vitro a-amylase inhibitory activity (GlycoLite TM ) and a reduction of body weight either under energy restriction or when eating ad libitum. The comments received do not require any change in the conclusions of the NDA Panel.