Ganglio-series GSLs are mainly found in the nervous system, where they cover 10-12% of the lipid content. GM3-Cer is found in almost all � ssues in vertebrates and is the major ganglioside in serum. Comparison of a standard diet (SD) and a high-fat diet (HFD) in mice resulted in more GM3-Cer and a higher expression of ST3Gal5 in the HFD group. It was found that GM3-Cer downregulates the response of the insulin receptor to insulin and showed higher serum levels in diabetes type 2 pa� ents. 3,31 Accumula� on of GM2-Cer, as a result of defi ciencies in the degrada� on enzymes beta-hexosaminidase A and B, can cause severe disorders such as Tay Sachs and Sandhoff disease. 32 GM1-Cer forms a main component in lipid ra� s and can therefore easily be detected by an� -GM1 an� bodies and cholera toxin B subunit. 33 Recent fi ndings suggest that treatment with GM1-Cer can reduce symptoms Parkinson's disease (PD). 34 Furthermore, GM1-Cer is strongly expressed on CD4+ T-cells and is known to be an important component in lipid ra� s involved in the T-cell interac� on with an� gen presen� ng cells (APCs). 31 While most gangliosides reside on the outer membranes of the cells, GD3-Cer has also been found on mitochondrial membranes, where it regulates apoptosis. 35 Four ganglio-series GSLs, GM1-Cer, GD1a-Cer, GD1b-Cer and GT1b-Cer, cover up to 97% of gangliosides in the brain. 36 GD1a-Cer and GT1b-Cer on axons form ligands for myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG,. This interac� on is important for myelin stability, axon regenera� on and protec� on from toxic damage. 28 Overall, the major SGLs in animals are SM4, SM3, SM2 and SB1a, which are the sulfated analogs of GM4, GM3, GM2 and GD1a. SGLs are thought to act as ion barriers or traps on the membrane, thereby protec� ng the cell against high extracellular osmo� c concentra� ons. 8